



2013 Operation ACC Football – Atlantic Division Roundtable Part 2

Good evening from all of us at All Sports Discussion.

We’re happy to have @TerrapinNation, @CUTRITIGER, @SoaringToGlory, and @BH_Orange44 (a newcomer to our panels) give their thoughts on the upcoming 2013 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) football season.  Please see their bios below:

  • @TerrapinNation: “self-proclaimed expert on Terps hoops. Creator of Terps Insider.”

  • @CUTRITIGER: James Bostic, is a lifelong Tiger fan and 2005 graduate of Clemson currently residing in Georgia.

  • @SoaringToGlory:  @JoeMicik, head honcho of BC blog Soaring to Glory since 2009. Boston College ‘08.  Native New Yorker now living in Boston.

  • @BH_Orange44:  Brian Harrison is a 2005 Syracuse alumnus and a 2009 Western New England University School of Law graduate.  He blogs about Syracuse Athletics at Orange 44 and writes about NCAA Lacrosse for SB Nation’s site, College Crosse.

Now that we’ve introduced you to our blogger panelists, let’s get started with some of their thoughts in our second annual ACC Atlantic Division preseason panel!!!

Which team will win the ACC Atlantic Division?

@TerrapinNation: Clemson


@SoaringToGlory:  I’ll join the majority and say Clemson.

@BH_Orange44: I think it will probably be Clemson.

Who is the best player in the ACC Atlantic Division?

@TerrapinNation: I’m pretty sure my answer this year is going to be the same as last: Sammy Watkins. Elite talent both receiving and returning the football.

@CUTRITIGER: Tajh Boyd is the heart and soul of the Clemson program. I am not sure if there is an individual who means more to his team than Boyd. He is not the flashiest guy you will see don pads but he can will his team to victory. His play will determine how the Tigers fare in the fall more so than Watkins.

@SoaringToGlory:  The first name that came to mind was Tajh Boyd.  He’s the real deal and is exciting to watch (when he’s not shredding BC to pieces).  Pretty hard to pick between him and Sammy Watkins, though.

@BH_Orange44: It isn’t that creative but Tajh Boyd probably has ACC POY to lose. But who knows, maybe he’ll lose the race against Syracuse in the Dome’s first ACC game. Syracuse has slayed a big ranked opponent at least once the last couple of seasons.

Who is a dark horse team that could win the ACC Atlantic Division?

@TerrapinNation: I’m sure it will be perceived as a homer pick, but I’m going to go with the Terps. FSU lost practically their entire 2 deep to the NFL (at least it feels that way) and Clemson has a history of losing games they shouldn’t to the Terps.

@CUTRITIGER: Maryland. I know they had a running back make news recently but this is a team that has some nice pieces. Stefon Diggs may be a more athletic version of Sammy Watkins. You would expect that the Terps will be able to keep at least one QB healthy this fall and if so they will find there way into the mix in the Atlantic Division.

@SoaringToGlory:  I’m not sure they’re a dark horse as I’ve seen them picked a solid third often around the interwebs, but NC State.  I like the Doeren hire, though he needs a new quarterback.  With the new addition to the division, several coaching changes, and some big roster changes, it’s kind of hard to figure.

@BH_Orange44: I don’t want to pick Maryland. My gut says pick Florida State. But losing seven defensive starters isn’t convincing. And NC State’s secondary will be very vulnerable. I won’t pick the homer pick of Syracuse either. But Maryland seems to have enough pieces that if Clemson falters Maryland could sneak into the title game.

Final thoughts on the ACC Atlantic Division?

@TerrapinNation: The Atlantic would appear to be Clemson’s to lose…but as we all know, things aren’t always as they appear.

@CUTRITIGER: I think this is going to be an exciting year in the Atlantic. NC State is that team that could give people fits as they adapt to a new system under new leadership. You would have to think that both Wake and Boston College have to be better this year. Wake returns almost everybody and Boston College should be better by virtue of having a coach who seems qualified to hold the position. I like Maryland if they can get some stability at quarterback and play adequate defense.

@SoaringToGlory:  Clemson looks like the best team but like I just alluded to, beyond them and maybe FSU, it’s pretty wide open.  As for the team with which I’m most familiar, BC’s no threat to win the division but they’ll almost certainly be more competitive now that we’ve put Spaz out of our shared misery.  The Eagles could be a nice spoiler for a few ACC Atlantic foes.

@BH_Orange44: Hey guys! We’re just happy to be here for this year. I think Syracuse will put up some admirable performances, but we all know there will be a slight learning curve in adjusting to a league of a higher caliber. The good news is Syracuse is recruiting well. And we do look forward to rekindling our rivalry from the old Big East days with Boston College. But I’m looking forward to some fun times and fun games.

Which team will win the ACC?

@TerrapinNation: Clemson


@SoaringToGlory: I’ve said Clemson a lot in this article…and I’ll say it again: Clemson.

@BH_Orange44: Yeah, probably Clemson.

We thank everyone for their participation in this panel!!

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  1. Compilation of 2013 Operation ACC Football Panels » All Sports Discussion says:

    […] « 2013 Operation ACC Football – Atlantic Division Roundtable Part 2 […]

  2. Bringing together the ACC Football Preview Posts with Final Standing Predictions. » All Sports Discussion says:

    […] 2013 Operation ACC Football – Atlantic Division Roundtable Part 2 on Thursday, July 18, featured @TerrapinNation, @CUTRITIGER, @SoaringToGlory, and @BH_Orange44. […]

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