



2024 @AllSportsDACC Team and Guest Pickers Panel Bonus Question – Who Wins the FCS Title?


Good morning.  College football’s big opening weekend is not that far away.   Here are the @AllSportsDACC team’s Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) predictions for the Football Championship Series (FCS) subdivision title.  Also joining us our guest pickers, including:

  • Ethan Moore – Ethan Moore of Louisville Sports Live is here.  You can follow Ethan on Twitter at @_EthanMoore and Louisville Sports Live at @LvilleSprtsLive. Ethan and and his colleague, Tayler Lynch  (you can follow Tayler on Twitter at @TaylerLynch) have a radio show dedicated to UofL sports on 93.9 FM the Ville (their twitter account is @939TheVille, which is powered by ESPN) every Wednesday night at 6:00 PM EST.
  • Tim Thomas (@TimThomasTLP) is the Editor/Founder of The Tech Lunch Pail (@TechLunchPailD) covering Virginia Tech sports, recruiting, and more at techlunchpail.com as well as being a VT football pregame analyst for ESPN Blacksburg. He is also a 2018 grad of Virginia Tech with a degree in civil engineering.
  • Dan Caro is the owner of TreadmillHorse.com, a Virginia Tech blog that focuses on Hokies football and men’s basketball.  You can follow Dan on Twitter at @Treadmillhorse.
  • Sam Jessee (@SamOfSaturday) is a member of the team over at the Virginia Tech athletics blog, the Sons of Saturday.  He is a host on the “Two Deep”  podcast and a Virginia Tech alum
  • Ben Byrd (@DukeFBCoverage) is the owner  and operator of bullcitycoordinators.com – it’s a comprehensive Duke Athletics  website and podcast that covers the good, bad and ugly of Duke football.
  • Ben Parker (@slamdunk406) is a Foothill College and University of California – Berkeley graduate. Publisher @StanfordRivals. Returned LDS missionary. You can follow Ben at  @nba_lord for NBA.

Bonus Pick – Who wins the 2024 FCS National Title?

Matthew:  South Dakota State is going to win again.  They are putting together a dynasty like the NDSU Bison – and the only team that can stop the Jackrabbits are the Bison.

Jeff: If NDSU beats Colorado in that opening game, I’ll go NDSU. South Dakota State will be right there too. Let’s go with NDSU. [Editor’s Note:  Well, done, Jeff – you’ll be asked back lol.]

Ethan: NDSU – because of Matthew. [Editor’s Note:  Well, done, Ethan – you’ll be asked back lol.]

Dan: Since Matthew went SDSU, I’m gonna go with his team and say North Dakota State. I think we’ll see a re-emergence of the Bison this season. The FCS is run by the Dakotas these days. [Editor’s Note:  Well, done, Dan – you’ll be asked back lol.]

Sam: Gotta roll with the Grizz this season. They were just a step below SDSU last season, but outside of that showed how superior their athletes can be. If Montana can manage to get home field advantage again throughout the playoffs, I think they finally get back on top of the FCS mountain. [Editor’s Note:  A good non-Dakotas pick.]

Ben: A football team. (I don’t follow the FCS.) [Editor’s Note:  Could have picked NDSU loser.]

Tim: South Dakota State. Jackrabbits have tons returning on defense and at QB while also having plenty of talent ready to step up. Montana was very tempting as well here but QB questions feel bigger there than some of the questions that SDSU has.  [Editor’s Note:  A good pick.]

Ben P: I don’t really follow FCS,  but North Dakota State sounds good to me. Haha. [Editor’s Note:  Well, done, Ben P – you’ll be asked back lol]

And that concludes our panel this year – thank you so much to the participants!

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