



The realignment move the ACC and Big12 should make but likely never will.

The Big 10 and SEC continue to try and relegate the rest of the college athletics world into irrelevance.

Their TV contracts are the biggest. They’ll get the biggest payouts from the College Football Playoff, and gradually they are gobbling up the biggest brands. What can you say? To the winner go the spoils. We’re at this point because some of the things they’ve done have been more visionary, smarter, marketed better, and in some cases athletically they’ve outperformed the other leagues, especially in football. On the other hand, maybe the rest of the college athletics world hasn’t done enough to combat them to remain more viable.

The Pac-12 died as they overvalued themselves. The Big 12 and ACC struggled to remain viable judging by the CFP payouts, and the discussion of the SEC and Big 10 being multi-auto bid leagues. Thankfully that didn’t happen, but it was on the table.

The ACC at some point is going to lose more teams FSU, Clemson, and maybe a couple more. The Big 12 for the time being likely won’t get poached, but Kansas is already rumored as an SEC target, and Utah hasn’t hidden the fact that they look at the Big 12 as a temporary home. The SEC values rivalries even in states they are already in, and I don’t think Oklahoma State is off the table to join Oklahoma one day. If the Sooners have objections it won’t matter, just ask Texas A&M.

That said, the Big 12 and ACC have one option to remain viable – Merge. As you can see below, a merged Big12/ACC couldn’t be dismissed under any circumstance. There would be too many programs, spread across too much of the country to be ignored.

The basketball would be unreal. I don’t think I’d watch a regular season game outside this league all year. You could throw Gonzaga, and some of the biggest Big East schools like UCONN in for good measure too. You don’t have to fully combine the leagues, but you vote together, negotiate TV deals, and schedule OOC together. This would be an alliance that would mean something.

Unfortunately, I don’t see it ever happening. The Big 12 is too full of itself, thinking it’s in any regard with the P2 as it currently exists or even with 2-4 more additions. The ACC has always been too shortsighted for such a bold move, too often reactive rather than proactive.

It’s the move the Big 12 and ACC should make, but very likely won’t.

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