



Georgia Tech in year 3 under Geoff Collins, same as year 1 – Trainwreck

Georgia Tech came into the season with a brutal schedule, but there was hope of looking more competitive and maybe even making a bowl game. The Jackets had to take advantage of every oppurtunity for a win.

Tonight against a Northern Illinois team that had not won a game in nearly two years as a double digit favorite, the Jackets needed to prove progress was being made.

In yet another humiliating loss added to the Geoff Collins resume, Northern Illinois beat Georgia Tech 22-21.

To further defend Geoff Collins and his vision at this time is incomprehensible.

Slogans, Cliches, juice and love only can take you so far. You have to win games, and that is simply not happening.

Three years into his tenure, and this is his team with largely his recruits. Georgia Tech fans have been patient endured the losses to the Citadel, 45-0 to Virginia Tech, and to 1 win Syracuse. The tide has officially turned against him.

Jeff Sims before his injury looked tentative, anxious, and confused in a disastrous start. The offensive line against a very mediocre front looked slow, weak, and inconsistent. The defensive line gave up 202 yards rushing to a team that didn’t win a game last year.

Jordan Yates in relief of Sims put Georgia Tech back in front 21-14 only to see the defense completely collapse down the stretch.

Georgia Tech is staring at a 1-3 win season right in the face after tonight’s debacle. I don’t see Collins getting fired this year, even if I think he should be after likely another 3 win or less season.

What I do expect is major staff changes following the end of another forgotten season. When you win 10 or fewer games in 3 years, something, anything has to change.

I speak as a Georgia Tech fan now. I am finished with Geoff Collins.

He’s clearly in over his head, and the program is right back where he started. His tenure is marked by sloppy play, embarrassing losses, and a complete lack of progress.

We all wanted to believe him in, but he’s given nothing tangible to hold onto other than the faint hope of decent recruiting rankings.

That’s not enough anymore.

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