



Josh Pastner tells fans to blame him for early losses… We will and we do.

Anyone that listens to our ACC podcast with @Hokiesmash_ASD  and myself or reads this blog or follows me on twitter @TalkinACCSports knows I am not a fan of Josh Pastner.

As far back as 2016, I was skeptical of the Pastner hire.  From that piece comments from his former Mempis player Shaq Goodwin were a red flag.

Q: How is your relationship with Josh?

A: It is bittersweet.

Q: What does that mean?

A: It’s bittersweet, for one, because I know I can’t speak too much or I won’t have a career. (Goodwin laughs). That’s for one. It’s just, it’s up and down.

Q: So it never leveled out, even by your senior year? Where you knew where he was coming from and he knew where you were coming from?

A: Part of me having my best season yet at Memphis (as a senior this year), a part of it was having a better relationship with coach Pastner. If I didn’t, I knew I would have another (bad) season like I did the year before. Then, I watched players, people I was close with like Damien (Wilson), watched Damien leave and I didn’t understand it. Like, why? Then I watched Austin (Nichols) leave and it was just like, ‘What really is the reason? Should I leave?’ After I realized that I was gonna stay, I knew I had to have a relationship with him. I gotta make something work. If I don’t, nobody will. And then I got 14 people watching me. That’s another thing I had to get adjusted to.

Then in 2018, after Georgia Tech landed under probation under his watch and had a disastrous finish to the season – even more red flags.

Then at the end of the 2019 season I said this…

For Pastner’s sake he better hope so, because another season without discernible progress and there won’t be any support or patience left from the Georgia Tech fanbase. I think most Georgia Tech fans are now skeptical Pastner can be the coach that can turn things around. Many had lukewarm feelings the day he was hired.

Now after a nightmare beginning to the 2020 season, where Georgia Tech was considered a darkhorse NCAA team the Yellow Jackets have started the season 0-2 with losses to Georgia State and Mercer. Josh Pastner says blame him not the players.

Guess what Josh – We do blame you, and we blame you 100%. We don’t blame players like Moses Wright, who came in as a project and made himself an ACC caliber player. We don’t blame Jose Alvarado who plays with grit and is a saint to stick it out with you all four years.

We blame you. You were a bad hire, and you’ve been bad for Georgia Tech. You failed miserably to prepare your team for the start of the season with your ill-fated contactless practices.

In a COVID world, the pandemic exposes deficient coaches with no place to hide.

That is you Josh Pastner.

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