



University of Virginia Head Football Coach Bronco Mendenhall Gets The Big Picture


Good evening, Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) sports fans.

Just a quick post here for tonight.  I’ve seen a couple of tweets from our friend, Mike Barber of the Richmond Times (you can follow Mike on Twitter at @RTD_MikeBarber), on how University of Virginia Head Football Coach, Bronco Mendenhall, views the pandemic (specifically the novel coronavirus otherwise known as COVID-19) in the bigger picture of society (e.g. not just sports) which I think is awesome.  See what he says below:

Mendenhall is pretty consistent in his statements regarding the pandemic (he’s said this more than once) – and he’s right.  And it’s refreshing to see a coach out there who is taking a 30,000 feet view of the pandemic and it’s impact on society.

Mendenhall is a good man – and Virginia is lucky to have him as their football coach.

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