



TBT event shows sports possible in Covid-19 Era.

If you haven’t followed the TBT (The Basketball Tournament ) on ESPN, it’s been pretty good. It was a pretty high level of basketball with overseas pros, ex college stars, and players who have appeared in the NBA.

They have in my opinion done an excellent job managing their event during a COVID-19 Health Panademic.

In a gradual manner, with frequent testing the event was run to completion with no positive results the last few days of the tournament.

What can other sports learn from TBT (The Basketball Tournament )?

  1. Be Flexible – When a team had a failed test, the event moved quickly to continue.
  2. Test Frequently – This seems obvious. As the event proceeded, covid-19 positives players were removed which limited future exposure.
  3. Strong quarantine procedures

I think their process translates pretty well to most other sports, except maybe college football with it’s high number of players, staff, a teams spread out across the country.

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