



.@AP Breaking News: The First Vaccine Tested in the U.S. for the Coronavirus Boosted Volunteers’ Immune Systems

(Photo Credit:  Associated Press Photo/Ken S. Warren)


Just a quick post for tonight – because I think many of his are in need of some good news:

The first COVID-19 vaccine tested in the U.S. revved up people’s immune systems just the way scientists had hoped, researchers reported Tuesday — as the shots are poised to begin key final testing.

“No matter how you slice this, this is good news,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious disease expert, told The Associated Press.

The experimental vaccine, developed by Fauci’s colleagues at the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc., will start its most important step around July 27: A 30,000-person study to prove if the shots really are strong enough to protect against the coronavirus.


Those early volunteers developed what are called neutralizing antibodies in their bloodstream — molecules key to blocking infection — at levels comparable to those found in people who survived COVID-19, the research team reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“This is an essential building block that is needed to move forward with the trials that could actually determine whether the vaccine does protect against infection,” said Dr. Lisa Jackson of the Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle, who led the study.

There’s no guarantee but the government hopes to have results around the end of the year — record-setting speed for developing a vaccine.

Additionally, according to the AP breaking news report, there are multiple vaccine research and testing efforts around the world – and Fauci is cheering them all on.  Good for him.  We’re lucky we have working for our nation.

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