



Will attending college football be worth the effort this fall?

I have been going back and forth as to what is going to happen with college football this season. First and foremost I will say this. I am a season ticket holder for NC State football. I have paid for my tickets for this season. I am actually scheduled to pick my seats for the upcoming season on June 17th. I have a vested interest in what is going to happen this season. I am not one of these people who are screaming about whether there should be a season and saying there should be fans in the stands and don’t attend a single game. I haven’t missed a home game since becoming a ticket holder 5 years ago.

Almost everyone understands that college football has to be played this fall. The economics for athletic departments require that football be played. The money generated by football turns the college sports wheel. However, we also have to realize the upcoming season will not look like any season in the history of the sport. After refusing to guarantee that the Republican National Convention could have a full Spectrum Center in Charlotte (which holds 19,000 people) in August a week before Week 1 of the college football season. It’s hard to see Governor Cooper easing restrictions to allow 57k in Carter-Finley, 51k in Kenan Stadium, 31k in BB&T Stadium, or 40k at Wallace-Wade.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out and stated that it will be months and not weeks until the country returns to “normal.” The percentage of positive tests in some states where ACC schools are located is concerning. North Carolina, Florida, and South Carolina are all places that have seen spikes.

Again, I believe that college football will be played. I also believe that there is no way that schools will allow full capacity at stadiums. I don’t believe that tailgating will be allowed. Tailgating is part of that atmosphere and I know people who go to tailgates and don’t even think about going into the game. If people are limited inside the stadiums, mass gatherings outside will definitely not be allowed.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, I am conflicted. I have thoughts going back and forth in my head. I love the atmosphere at college football games and that is what has drawn me to buying season tickets. The people I have met tailgating have become friends. However, a few of those people have young kids. How do they feel about going to a football game or a tailgate and then going back home? Are they even going to do that? How are people who have older loved ones who live with them or that they see often going to go to the games. If the atmosphere and my friends aren’t going to go, why am I going?

Athletic Departments are going to have decisions to make. Who are they going to allow to attend these football games? NC State for example had 29,000 fans renew their season tickets. Let’s say the governor allows for 50% capacity (which seems unrealistic to be honest) and Carter-Finley holds 57K fans. Simple math says that there are more season tickets than there are seats available. I am sure that this is going to happen to every single college football program this fall.

I will say this, if NC State comes out and says that there will be no tailgating and only allow 25%-50% capacity. I don’t think I am going to go if I am allowed. NC State seems to already have a policy in place that will allow season ticket holders to either change the ticket purchase to a donation to the athletic department or roll that purchase over to next season. To be honest, right now I would love to roll my purchase over to next season. Hopefully they will continue that policy if things change.

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