



Virginia Tech Athletics Needs To Hire A Director of Athletic Alumni Engagement


Good evening, Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) sports fans.

Just a quick post here for tonight.  The last couple of nights, you’ve seen me post about how Virginia Tech football might be losing the focus on family.

It’s worth it again to provide this tweet from the Tim Donnelly Show for context:

Today, I just looked in the Virginia Tech Athletics Staff Directory – and I noticed that there is no position for Director of Athletic Alumni Engagement (it might be in another position where it’s additional duties as assigned – however – this is too important to be a collateral duty – it needs to be an independent position).

Whit Babcock, Virginia Tech Director of Athletics, must fill (or create and fill) that position immediately.

Why is this important?

And you might get donations from former athletes, as well. I keep coming back to a focus on the Virginia Tech athletics family – and it’s traditions. Hiring a former Virginia Tech athlete into a position like this would be a good move for Babcock. Too many former athletics alumni feel as though they are forgotten about.  This can’t happen.  It must be fixed.

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