



Around the #ACC Blogosphere For July 25, 2019

Have you seen Pre-Season All-ACC football team? ACCPrescription has it for you. 

RubbingtheRock asks if Clemson could beat a rest of the ACC All-Star team.  When you look at the rosters it is actually an interesting question.

StreakingtheLawn tells us that there will be a pre-season celebration of the National Championship Basketball team.

Mike Young got his first big time basketball recruit at Virginia Tech. Find out who from TechLunchPail. 

NunesMagician writes about how Notre Dame helped enhances the ACC Network even without full football membership.

StateoftheU says before Miami’s passing can take off, it will need an improved running game.

Make sure you follow the All Sports Discussion Twitter account at @AllSportsDACC and please like our Facebook Page

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