Booger preaching on Finebaum today
— Woody Whitehurst (@woodywhitehurst) July 12, 2019
Was that really so hard? In the spring and summer of excuses for the Clemson beatdown of Alabama, @ESPNBooger (Booger McFarland) states what was painfully obvious to anyone not blinded by their Alabama Bias. Clemson was better than Alabama. Clemson was a lot better than Alabama in 2019.
It’s the story of the emperor’s has no clothes , and @ESPNBooger was the child in the story. It was oh so difficult for oh so many to just admit.
So for the @SBN_BillC (Bill Connelly’s) that can’t get past their own metrics, to the Alabama players and coaches that couldn’t figure out what freight train hit them, to former Alabama players and oddly enough a guy that covers Georgia that had their list of excuses for the loss, and finally the rest of the SEC Media Apologists that tried to dis-credit Clemson’s title , read, watch, or listen to Booger’s comments again.
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2 pings
Hokie Mark says:
July 13, 2019 at 10:02 am (UTC -4)
In the ACC, we have our own “booger”:×412/1200×800/filters:focal(349×86:465×202)/
Jfann says:
July 13, 2019 at 11:35 am (UTC -4)