



What Georgia Tech can earn for Mercedes-Benz Stadium deal per @AJC

When Georgia Tech announced their Mercedes-Benz stadium deal back in February it was met with a mixed reaction. We told you it was a good deal for Georgia Tech, and could earn Georgia Tech $10-$15 Million.

Well according the Ken Sugiura in his AJC regarding this topic, we were quite close in our estimate.

The athletic department estimates that the five games will generate $10 million more in revenue than if the games were to be held at Bobby Dodd Stadium, according to documents obtained in an open-records request. 

I’m not sure there’s another way that cash-strapped Georgia Tech could have generated $10 million in a 5 year period. I would agree it’s not an ideal situation, and hopefully after this period Georgia Tech can keep their home games on campus. For the time being though, it was a good decision that looks even better now.

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1 ping

  1. Hokie Mark says:

    There are other “PRO”s besides just the money – but the money is very, very good! I don’t think Yellow Jacket fans will be against it after they play the first game and people realize what it means to have these games included in their season tickets, too.

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