



After shameful NCAA decision, support Virginia Tech’s @BrockHoffman76

Even if you are not a Virginia Tech Hokie, you can get behind Hokie offensive lineman @BrockHoffman76   and the injustice served by your friendly NCAA.

It’s is shameful what the NCAA is doing to this young man and his family. While other collegiate football players have asked for and received waivers for basically seemingly nothing other than playing time.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and not call out some of those particular players, but certainly Hoffman’s waiver request is as legitimate as they come.

That’s clear.

Even normally impartial media members and non-Virginia Tech fans are stunned and disappointed by this decision.

Ok NCAA, you still have time to correct this obvious mistake. Do the right the thing, and grant Hoffman his eligibility.

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1 ping

  1. Hokie Mark says:

    Hear, hear!

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