



Tony Bennett and Virginia silence their March critics.

Did I not tell you Virginia fans that you were headed to Final 4 on Tuesday? Were you worried? OK I also said Carson Edwards wouldn’t score 42 points again and he did. Hats off to that young man as he channeled Seth Curry and Randolph Childress in an at times unconscious offensive performance.

It was Virginia’s night though. What a tremendous sense of vindication for Tony Bennett, the Virginia basketball team, and that fanbase. Tony Bennett’s defensive style won’t win in March, they said. The regular season doesn’t matter, they said. Virginia doesn’t recruit well enough, they said.

Virginia fans got very defensive about this and rightfully so. I wrote this last year after last year’s historic loss to UMBC. 

Ok Let’s be clear Virginia basketball is not a fraud. You don’t win in a premier league like the ACC with all their Hall of Fame coaches and to suddenly have a fraud of program. That’s shortsighted and just plain wrong…

…Tony Bennett is one of the best coaches in the country. Eventually he’ll get Virginia to the Final 4 

Tony Bennett proved me right just one year later.

If you are familiar with Virginia basketball, you knew it was a only matter time before they reached a Final 4. Those that don’t really follow Virginia or actually don’t understand the game of basketball spent an entire year questioning the Virginia program. It was very similar to Clemson trying to shed their “Clemsoning” image. When Clemson began beating the LSUs, Florida States, and Auburns of the world, it was clear that perception should be dead, but critics didn’t want to believe it until Clemson finally reached the College Football Playoffs. Clemson went on to eventually win a national title in 2016 and then again in 2018.

I think Virginia is on a very similar path.

Tony Bennett has turned Virginia into a national power. He’s validated their regular season success with a Final 4 this year, and they may not be done. The Purdue team Virginia beat may have been the tournament’s hottest offensive team, and past Virginia teams would have wilted under the offensive onslaught. This Virginia team is more equipped to handle the offensive runs of even the best teams. They, of course, defend like crazy, but now they can match you on offense. With every second half 3 Carson Edwards dropped, Kyle Guy or Ty Jerome answered. When Purdue tried to take away the 3 point shot, Deandre Hunter slashed to the basket in OT.

Whether Virginia wins the national title or not, they’ve silenced their March critics. They have gotten to the Final 4, and I think they will win a national title if not this year then at some point.

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