



@JamesIV1978 doesn’t agree with how Virginia Tech handled East Carolina series situation.

Now, this post is not going to win me any admirers or fans, including one of the people who are responsible for this blog. However, I do feel the need to take Virginia Tech to task. Now, we all know that East Carolina University had cancelled the football game scheduled for September 15. The reason for the cancellation was due to Hurricane Florence. Now, Virginia Tech was upset that ECU cancelled the game and lead crier in charge Whit Babcock was upset that ECU didn’t wait the 24 hours that he requested. Heaven forbid a university that is looking down the barrel of what, at the time, was forecasted to be a Level 4 Hurricane decide to error on the side of caution. But Mr. Babcock wanted to be the one to make the announcement, like it was his to make. Babcock then went to Twitter to voice his displeasure about how the entire thing played out. Because, as heads of Athletic Departments, that’s how things are done. After being roasted as insensitive, which is an understatement, Babcock issued an apology. Which at the time, I thought he meant and was sincere.

Well, the past few weeks have proven that he neither meant it, nor cares who knows that he didn’t mean it. Babcock has made the ultimate take my ball and go home move. Babcock has decided to cancel the contracted in Greenville, while keeping the games in Blacksburg. Then, in announcing this decision, Babcock expects ECU to cancel the games they are scheduled to play in Blacksburg. If ECU is as petty and petulant as Babcock and Virginia Tech are, they should not only cancel the game, but schedule Old Dominion in VT’s place.

I have to say, who does Virginia Tech think they are? It seems as though they believe that they should dictate to the ECU’s of the world what they should do when a natural disaster is bearing down upon them. It seems as though the Virginia Tech administration believes that they have been wronged in some way and they are acting like a petulant child who is throwing a fit because they haven’t gotten their way.

Now I understand that a ton of Virginia Tech fans are not going to like what I’ve written and that’s fine. The word fan is short for fanatic and have strong emotions when a person attacks their teams and administration. Everyone is going to say, that ECU has some culpability in this matter. I don’t believe that. I believe ECU made the right decision for ECU given the information at the time. Virginia Tech had no business being involved in that decision, and Whit Babcock being whiny and not acting like the Athletic Director of a Power 5 school is a bad look for the university. And as long as Babcock is the AD of Virginia Tech, I will root for them to lose every game in every sport they compete in. Babcock isn’t the only one who can act like a child.

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