



It’s time for Rick Pitino to just stop talking.

Rick Pitino can’t seem to keep quiet these days and it’s not a good look. This week Pitino talked again about he took a lie detector test to prove his   innocence about knowing the scandals under his watch with the Louisville basketball program. I’m not saying Pitino did or didn’t know what was going on but…

A few days ago he had this to say.

From the Paulick Report

Despite likely having a filly in this year’s Kentucky Oaks, former University of Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino said he’s not stepping foot in the state of Kentucky until two of the school’s board members are ousted or step down…

…“Every night I go to bed, I’m bitter at the U.S. attorney’s office and at the ‘board of traitors’ at Louisville,” Pitino said. “I’m not bitter at the school but at the ‘board of traitors.’”

Ok Rick – it’s time to tone it tone it down a bit. Pitino is coming off as one bitter individual. If he is innocent then maybe who can blame him? That said even Pitino realizes he’d think he was guilty if he was looking at the situation from the outside as CBSSports.com reported.  

Pitino admitted that if he was viewing the situation from afar — if everything that’s been attached to Pitino was attached to someone else — that he wouldn’t believe that coach was innocent.

That’s the point, whether Pitino knew or not what was going he was in charge when it happened and that’s bad enough. Louisville has hired Chris Mack now. They let go of AD Tom Jurich. If Pitino cares about Louisville at all, he doesn’t have to admit anything – just say he’s sorry about what happened and stop putting Louisville in the news for the wrong reasons.

The Louisville program has moved on, and it’s time Rick Pitino to do the same.

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