



Around the #ACC Blogosphere For June 20, 2017

Good question from Clemson blog ShakintheSouthland. What will the Clemson offense look like with Kelly Bryant at quarterback? 

Louisville blog CardChronicle has open letter from former player Russ Smith to NCAA following the NCAA’s rulings against Louisville last week. 

Interesting article from Syracuse blog NunesMagician on how the Orange put their football schedule together including games with LSU and Wisconsin.

UNC blog TarHeelBlog says there are more reasons to be excited than worried about the Heels 2017 football team. 

What are the 5 biggest concerns for Miami football going into 2017? Miami Blog CanesWarning tells us. 

Duke has several NBA draft prospects. Duke Blog DukeBasketballReport has a rundown of Duke could be represented in this years NBA draft. 

Make sure you follow the All Sports Discussion Twitter account at @AllSportsDACC and please like our Facebook Page

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