



Pre-Season Coaches Poll reflects Balance of College Football.


Have you seen this year’s College Football pre-season Coaches Poll? Aside from the rankings of the individual teams, something else struck me. It’s been evident for a number of years that the Power 5 conferences are fairly close to each other in terms of relative strength. Sure I can accept if you say the SEC is the nation’s #1 football conference. What I have problem with is if one tries to argue it is head and shoulders above the rest of the country.

In fact I have a problem if anyone tries to argue that one conference is by a wide margin better than another.

The coaches poll seems to reflect that balance. No power 5 conference has more than 6 top 25 teams or fewer than 4. It wasn’t but 1 year ago the SEC had a ridiculous 10 teams ranked in the AP’s week 1 poll.  Hopefully this is the start of a trend of a more balanced analysis of the college football teams. Especially with the advent of the College Football Playoff rankings, don’t think for a minute that early pre-season rankings don’t play some role in how teams are evaluated especially in the early to mid-portion of the year.

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