



NC State plans upgrades to video facilities for future ACC Network?


Ah the internet is a great thing. If it’s on the net, someone is going to find it.

I can’t take credit for digging this up, but to whoever did these are impressive investigative skills.  This comes from a project site at NC State. 

Design of a studio for the production of game-day video that meets the requirements for the upcoming ACC Network relating to content creation and game production.  Project will be designed to become part of the overall school, student, and fan experience.  Live broadcast studio operations can be observed by students and public to create interest, excitement, and to be used as a recruiting tool.  The open studio also opens up revenue opportunities that can be derived from a potential naming rights sponsor or donor.

You can even read the PDF of the project description. 

Well then…

Just my opinion here. I don’t think this means an ACC Network is imminent. I don’t think it is just a simple video production upgrade in facilities either at NC State.

Other schools like Georgia Tech and North Carolina have extensive video production facilities already.  It could be NC State in part is just trying to catch up to their fellow ACC schools or…

Like the SEC schools did when they started their SEC Network work in earnest, ACC schools are starting to evaluate the process of upgrading their broadcast capabilities.  Some ACC schools may be further ahead than others.

While ESPN works to secure distribution rights for the network, many of the 14 member-schools will be spending millions in technological upgrades designed to meet the requirements to help satisfy a 24-hour cable network.

“For us all the in-house videos now, all the things from a production aspect are going to have to be produced on campus,” first-year Tennessee football coach Butch Jones said. “We’ve been looking at adding a TV studio, but now that has to be expedited because of the SEC Network. And we have to have upgrades in our technology.”

Honestly I think the answer lies a somewhere in the middle. NC State is certainly looking towards making some upgrades, but their eye is also on the future possibility of an ACC Network.

I’m going to leave this right here, and you can judge for yourself what it means.

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