



@DavidTeelatDP of the Daily Press tries to make sense of apparent ACC Network Delay.


Yesterday it was reported that apparently the ACC Network was going to be delayed by ESPN.  We were left more questions than answers, and definitely there was some disappointment from ACC fans.

Leave to one of the ACC’s preeminent  journalists David Teel @DavidTeelatDP of the Daily Press to to write an article that does a great job attempting to make sense of the recent news.  If anyone is tuned into the ACC, it is @DavidTeelatDP.

He got this statement from John Swofford.

“Anything said surrounding our ongoing television discussions is premature and speculative,” he said. “If, or when, we reach a point where our television agreements have been altered, we will make an announcement at the appropriate time.”

As vague as ever from Swofford.

So what did @DavidTeelatDP have to say in response to the Network Delay news?

# …sound like the parties have decided to pursue a channel. That in of itself is good news for the ACC, whose schools need a revenue infusion

Actually that does seem to be true. Though now it is easier of  to be skeptical ESPN’s true intentions as I said yesterday. I’ll trust Teel on this one.

Here’s more…

# Also unknown is how much ESPN might increase the rights fees it pays the ACC in the interim before a channel. Swofford alluded to such a possibility during an interview in July at the ACC’s football kickoff in Pinehurst, N.C.

Ok the ACC won’t go empty handed on this one, but that increase better be at least $2 or $3 Million.

Here is Teel’s final comment and it is one I hope the ACC and John Swofford are paying attention too.

# Peterson’s comments to his board may startle some school administrators – the inner circle on the channel project is limited — and the sooner Swofford can ease those concerns with definitive information, the better.

Teel is 100% right. There is no chance John Swofford wanted any detailed ACC Network information released before he was good and ready. It’s out there now, and Swofford has to play some damage control with definitive statements one way or the other, if he wants to control the PR mess that is already underway.

As usual  @DavidTeelatDP has this topic covered as well any journalist out there.

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