



We participated in the @TheStudentSect #ACC Football Roundtable


Good morning, Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) fans – hope you are ready for a great weekend.

Earlier this week, I participated in an ACC football roundtable with our friends over at the @Bloguin college sports blog, The Student Section (you can follow their account on Twitter at @TheStudentSect).  Participants in the roundtable included @TheStudentSect Associate editors Terry Johnson (@SectionTPJ) and Bart Johnson @TheCoachBart – and staff writer, Kevin Causey (@CFBZ).  Mike Ferguson (@MikeWFerguson), editor of the @Bloguin Florida State University college sports blog, @Noled_Out, also joined the conversation.

We answered three questions (see the posts below):

  1. What players should we watch in the ACC in 2015? (My short answer because I couldn’t say every player on the Virginia Tech defensive line as I’d sound like a big-time homer – Justin Thomas, Georgia Tech Quarterback)

  2. Who will be the ACC’s most improved football team in 2015? (My short answer – Virginia Tech)

  3. Who will win the ACC in 2015? (My short answer – Clemson – you gotta have great quarterback play to win the ACC – and Clemson has the best quarterback and overall player in the ACC).

Have a great weekend!!

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