



All Sports Discussion says thanks to all our readers and podcast guests.

Turkey Dancing

Hey it’s Thanksgiving, so I have a couple of thanks to hand out.

A hearty thanks to @Hokiesmash for managing our weekly ACC podcast, and doing just about all the work getting all the awesome guests to come on the show.

We’d like to thank each guest individually, but the list is just too long. You know who you are.

We weren’t sure how many people would listen, but we’ve had over 2500 podcast downloads in just over a year.

It’s been great talking to guests that range from devoted fan and bloggers to national media.

So thanks to all the podcast and panel guests we’ve had!

Thanks to @ztevans and @HereGoJayAgain for their weekly site contributions and their tweeting on the site twitter account @AllSportsDACC

…and most of all thanks to the readers of the blog, podcast listeners, and folks that tolerate all of our ramblings on twitter!

Oh and before I forget, I would also be very thankful if the football gods saw fit to have Georgia Tech beat Georgia and Clemson best South Carolina this weekend. That would be just great.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

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