



AllSportsDiscussion.com grows a little bit more covering the ACC!


We have some great news for followers of the blog and ACC podcasts that @Hokiesmash  and I @TalkinACCSports try bring you on a regular basis.

First the AllSportsDiscussion.com blog was endorsed by USBWA the US Basketball Writers Association. We were very pleased to hear that! Thanks to @HokieSmash for doing the legwork to set that up.

We have a couple of new contributors. You may recognize them from some past podcasts @HereGoJayAgain and @ztevans. We are looking forward to reading some of their pieces, and we’re happy to have them on board. Please give them a follow.

The last bit of news is that the we’ve created a blog site Twitter account @AllSportsDACC. You never which of us four might be manning that account on a given day, so I’d suggest you give it a follow. We are going to have some fun with that one.

I hope everyone enjoys the changes, and looks forward to what’s upcoming as much as me.

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