



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere July 28, 2014.


This time next month we’ll be preparing for our first weekend of college football and all will be right with the world.

ACC Bloggers what do you have for us?

Let’s start with our recent podcast guests from Boston College and Miami.

Boston College blog SoaringtoGlory asks BC fans what kind of record are they predicting for this season. 

StateoftheU, the Miami blog, looks at who is the most important Hurricane player or position is for this year.

Clemson blog ShakintheSouthLand asks if Clemson is an Elite program? I would be surprised if anyone considered Clemson an elite program, but Clemson is right there solidly in that next tier of schools in that 6-12 range.

Who is Georgia Tech’s most important and likely best Defensive Lineman? It’s Adam Gotsis. Yellow Jacket blog FromtheRumbleSeat profiles Mr. Gotsis. 

TarHeelBlog says UNC announces a new program to allow former athletes to finish their degree. As North Carolina tries to rebuild its academic image in regards to their athletics, this is a good start.

Virginia Tech blog GobblerCountry looks at the history of Virginia Tech football rivalries as they’ve changed conferences affiliations over the  last 20-25 years. 

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