



Maryland’s move to the Big 10 will be tougher on Terrapin fans that travel to Conference Championship Events.


Maryland is leaving for the Big 10 and that’s inevitable. Louisville is joining the ACC, and that’s obviously inevitable too. College athletics will go on, and everybody will adjust. As I was watching Georgia Tech and Maryland play today, one thought came to mind seeing the Maryland fans in attendance. Greensboro, NC is a whole lot closer to College Park, MD than Omaha, Nebraska where the Big 10 baseball tournament was being held.

This is the cost of conference realignment…. the fan. While college leaders and administrators played a giant game of RISK with university athletic programs that last few years, the fans by and large were an after thought. I’m glad this past era of realignment is over, and should another ever arise again, I would hope geographical sense is not thrown out the window as it was this last round.

Take a look at the below table. Maryland fans this year and next would have logged 2,170 Miles or an average of 338.8 miles per trip to the most popular conference championships in the ACC.

In the Big 10 a Maryland fan attending all 8 events would travel 5,981 Miles 747.6 miles per trip. Now the average Maryland wouldn’t be attending the conference championship in football if the Terps aren’t in the game, and mostly likely you aren’t going to all of the 6 other events.

That said, there are many fans that would easily jump in a car for a 0-6 hr drive. You starting getting more than 8, and that becomes a real hassle. 16 hrs or 17 hrs, and you’re booking a flight. Good luck if you are student and you want to see your team play if they make a championship final.

No conference is immune to it. Boston College’s trips to Greensboro, NC are nearly 750 Miles. College Station, Texas is over 800 miles from Atlanta, GA. It’s 1120 miles from Morgantown, WV to Oklahoma City, OK.

It is what it is, but for Terrapin fans that follow their school to Conference Champion events, it still won’t be as easy as it was in the past.

[ultimatetables 2 /]

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