
Monthly Archive: December 2013


Did Paul Johnson put himself on the hotseat afters Georgia Tech’s bowl loss?

This game was one of the hardest to watch of the bowl season. Ole Miss is a little bit more talented, and the coaching was just a little less inept, but make no mistake neither coaching staff should be applauded for that effort. That said I’d rather win ugly vs lose pretty anyday. Ole Miss …

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ACC Bubble Analysis for December 29, 2013

It’s looking more and more like, barring some weird stuff in conference play, the ACC will have 5 locks for the NCAA Tourney, with somewhere between 1-3 more. A couple of bubble teams failed to help themselves, but one got a much needed win. Let’s find out who… In my ranking system, any RPI top …

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Louisville proves Miami still has a lot of work to do.

I think the general consensus was that when Miami got into the top 10 they were overrated. Florida State showed us how much college football’s elite had separated from Miami in their easy 41-14 win. Again we saw it tonight, as Louisville easily dispatched Miami 36-9. The Cardinals are obviously not in Florida State’s class, …

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UNC plays to their potential and crushes Cincinnati in the Belk Bowl.

When we went over the best players in the ACC earlier this year, I had North Carolina players littered across my best ACC player rankings. This team had talent, but it was a rough start for the Heels as they opened the season 1-5. They were easily the ACC’s most disappointing team of the season’s first …

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Syracuse win sends ACC to 2-0 bowl start or is it 2-1?

Are we supposed to count Maryland? I don’t know as far as this blog is concerned the ACC is off to a 2-0 bowl start thanks to Syracuse’s 21-17 over the Big 10’s Minnesota. This was a big win in many ways. First there were many that thought the Pitt Syracuse wouldn’t enhance ACC Football. …

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Bon Voyage Maryland… Terps football exits ACC with a bowl loss.

As I usually do  I’ll write a quick impression of an ACC team after their bowl game. Maryland is technically still in the ACC for the moment. Basically I don’t have alot of thoughts on a program that is leaving the ACC. I’ve never liked the Edsall the hire. He’s not awful, but he won’t …

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With bowl victory Pittsburgh displays young talent.

While I was watching Pitt play Thursday evening, I became aware of just how much football scarring Pittsburgh fans have. Even as the Panthers took the lead 27-20 over Bowling Green across my timeline rolled Pitt fan after Pitt fan expecting their beloved Panthers to blow the Little Ceasars Pizza Bowl. I always root for …

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Was Florida State’s schedule tougher than it is given credit for?

There’s a narrative going around that Florida State’s schedule puts them at a disadvantage when they play the Auburn Tigers on January 6th. This is obviously a laughable reason to say Auburn will win the game. The Tigers may yet defeat the Seminoles, but that won’t be be why. One only has to look at …

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Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere December 25, 2013.

Merry Christmas from AllSportsDiscussion.com! Need a little break from the Christmas festivities to catch up on a little downtime reading? How about articles from around the ACC Blogosphere? Tomahawknation says Clemson’s team might be the right the analogy for Auburn. I have to disagree. Auburn is SEC which automatically makes them 3 touchdowns better than …

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A Christmas wish list for each ACC Football Team, even the future ones.

With Christmas right the around the corner, we decided to take a guess at what each ACC football program wants to see under the tree this year. We are just having a little fun here, so enjoy! Clemson Tigers – After 5 straight losses to arch rival South Carolina Please Santa, can Steve Spurrier just …

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ACC Bubble Analysis for December 22, 2013

A couple of teams really improved their NCAA stock this week. Let’s find out who… In my ranking system, any RPI top (100) win is a good win and any RPI top (50) obviously worth more. Any losses outside the RPI top (100) is considered a bad loss, and outside the RPI (150) are even …

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Maybe the ACC should just do away with Divisions in football.

There are legitimate whispers that the ACC is considering realigning divisions. The big rage is creating a North/South Divisions. As I said back in June, this isn’t a slam dunk good idea.   There are issues with North/South Divisions. There are issues with the current alignments. With 14 teams and Notre Dame filling in 4-6 games …

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Podcast – @HokieSmash and @TalkinACCSports talk year ending state of the ACC.

@HokieSmash and I ( @TalkinACCSports ) had our year ending ACC podcast. We covered a wide range of ACC Topics that we’ll list below. We hope you have enjoyed our podcasts and look forward to more next year with more ACC friends from twitter and more great guests. To download the audio file of this …

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ACC Divisions: Potential Reallignment And/Or Scheduling Changes (h/t @BCInterruption)

Let’s cut to the chance – @BCInterruption has a terrific blog post today on the future of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC). Personally, I am fine with the Coastal and the Atlantic Divisions the way they are.  Here are your two divisions right now: In the ACC Coastal Division, member institutions include North Carolina, Duke, …

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Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere December 17, 2013.

How about some articles from around the ACC Blogoshphere? Great work being done Syracuse NunesMagician. They started a campaign on their site to send Houston area kids to the Texas Bowl, where Sryacuse will play Minnesota. If you’re not going to your school’s bowl game, many schools have ways to donate tickets to military personal …

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As the ACC Digital Network continues to grow, is revenue generation around the corner?

If you’ve been following the blog this year, you know every few months we’ve given updates on the ACC Digital Network’s growth, revenue potential, and where we think it’s headed. Our most recent post on the subject of the ACC Digital Network was back in September. With the year coming to close, I think it’s a …

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