



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere October 29, 2013.


Can you believe it is already just about November? This is my favorite time of the year. College Football is in full swing, and college basketball starting up. Ok ACC bloggers what’s happening out there?

Miami blog StateoftheU tells us what a Hurricane victory over Florida State would mean to the author and his peers. 

Tomahawknation has interesting article on all the games being played around the country that affect Florida State as the Seminoles try to get the computer numbers to work in their favor.

After one of Duke football’s  biggest victory ever in a win on the road at a ranked Virginia Tech, DukeSportsBlog tells Duke fans to be Happy but stay humble and grounded. 

As good as Duke felt after their big win, was as bad as Virginia Tech must have felt. The Hokies were working on a promising season, and it was major setback against Duke. How did Hokie blog Gobbler Country take the loss? 

Interesting piece from ACCPerscription… If the 4 team playoff started today, the ACC would have 3 teams in the access bowls.  Florida State would make the 4 team playoff, and Clemson and Miami would be in the access bowls. That’s what having 3 top 10 teams can do for you.

It’s time to start getting with familiar Syracuse basketball. The Orange are expected to be one of the best basketball teams in the ACC this year. Syracuse blog NunesMagician previews the Orange’s guards for this year. 

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