



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere August 27, 2013.


You thought we had forgot about the Articles around the ACC Blogosphere with the first week of College Football upon us? Nope No way so here we go…

ShakintheSouthland sounds ready to embrace the high expectations at Clemson this year.

Florida State’s Karlos Williams made some comments about Pitt star receiver Devin Street reportedly saying he wasn’t a great receiver. Pitt blog Cardiac Hill took notice and gives their thoughts. This game just got a little more interesting.

Speaking of FSU, Tomahawknation has the Florida State depth chart for prior to the Labor day game with Pittsburgh.

What does GobblerCountry think about Virginia Tech playing the underdog role against Alabama?  It’s hard to see a scenario where the Hokies win this game. They will need a spectacular defensive performance, hope for Alabama to commit some turnovers, and pray Logan Thomas finally reaches his potential at quarterback.

StreakingtheLawn profiles new Virginia QB David Watford. The Cavaliers open with a quality team in BYU. This sure would start the season off right for the Cavs if they can knock off the team from Provo.

The ACC continues it’s excellent under the radar recruiting season. North Carolina nabs Elijah Hood the #1 running back in the state of North Carolina, and whether he ends at running back or linebacker TarHeelFanBlog is pumped. The Heels sure could use him against South Carolina Thursday.

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