



Thankfully, the NCAA comes to it’s senses regarding eligibility of ex-Marine.


2 days ago I was one of many who criticized the NCAA for ruling that ex-Marine Steven Rhodes was ineligible to play this year due to his participation in what amounted to intramural football games while he served this country.

Thankfully the NCAA came to it’s senses in short order, no doubt due to the negative backlash, and ruled that Rhodes could play this year at Middle Tennessee. 

Does that mean there’s hope for the NCAA? Um… I don’t know. Met with a painfully obvious decision they made the wrong ruling the first time. I suppose if the NCAA hadn’t reversed things, they might as well have just sailed off into the sunset.

Anyways I’m glad the NCAA didn’t deliberate on this long. Steven Rhodes deserved to play this year, and now he’ll get that chance.

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