



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere August 19, 2013.


This time next week we’ll be readying for week 1 of college football. So what do the ACC bloggers have to say about it.

What are ShakintheSouthland’s thoughts on Clemson past week of practice.  Some good information here…

SCACCHoops has an article of great twitter accounts to follow from one of the ACC’s new members Pittsburgh. Syracuse is coming later this week.

With Clemson vs Georgia, Virginia Tech vs Alabama, and Miami vs Florida in week 2, some folks seem to be forgetting about North Carolina vs South Carolina on Thursday. ACCPerscription hasn’t forgotten and tells you how North Carolina can win that game.  If Tyler Bray can go into Columbia and thrown for over 350 yards, Bryn Renner who is better certainly can too. I’m not predicting a win, but the Tar Heels have a shot to win this game.

What can Virginia Tech realistically expect in 2013, asks Hokie Blog GobblerCountry. I’m at 9 wins, but a little surprising to me were the poll results from Virginia Tech fans. The top vote getter was 8 wins.

Boston College blog BCInterruption from a few days ago writes what’s the Best and Worst case scenario for Boston College football this season. 

 Can the Seminoles keep improving? Find out what College Football Blog SBNation has to say about that.

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