



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere April 2, 2013.

We’ve returned from hiatus! Articles from around the ACC Blogoshere is back after a couple of weeks off. Basketball season is drawing to a close, as we move into Spring Practice.

If you take a look at the bottom right of the blog under favorite sites and blogs, you’ll see some cleanup and some new sites. ACC Prescription is an ACC centric site, with a lot of interesting articles on the business aspect of the ACC. You’ll see the additions of NunesMagician a Syracuse blog, and Cardiac Hill a Pittsburgh blog. Those two blogs are starting their spring practice and football notes, as they ready for the ACC football season. Well I guess NunesMagician will be a bit pre occupied with a little sporting event called the Final 4.

Good for those guys!

You’ll also see a new ACC Digital Network video player on the right. It will contain all kinds of daily features and videos on the ACC and it’s teams. Makes sense for this site since 85% of what we talk about here is the ACC. I hope you enjoy that addition.

Let’s see what going on with the ACC Bloggers now…

Miami had a landmark 2012-2013 basketball season, but they are losing a lot talent for next year. When you have a PG the caliber of Shane Larkin though, that can cover a lot of deficiencies  That is if he returns. Check out StateoftheU’s take on next year for Miami.

North Carolina will have an interesting next few weeks. Should Reggie Bullock, P.J Hairston, and James Michael McAdoo all return, the Heels could open next season in the top 10. Personally I don’t think any are ready for the NBA, but that’s never stopped anyone before. We’ll if at least 2 remain in school, the Heels should still have a very strong team. TarHeelFanblog reports none are close to a decision at this time.

While UNC waits on the decision from their underclassmen, at NC State they are all leaving. Ok not really but it sure does seem like it. BackingthePack takes a look at what next years Wolfpack lineup could look like.

Need some news and notes from Florida State’s first spring scrimmage? TomahawkNation has them… 

How about news and notes from Clemson’s spring practice? Let’s send you to ShakintheSoutland for those.

Last season was defiantly a down year for Virginia Tech football despite finishing the year with a bowl win. Hokie blog GobblerCountry says Virginia Tech is ready to embrace toughness. 

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