



So who’s going to win the Super Bowl: Baltimore or San Francisco?

I’ll be honest this Super Bowl between the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers isn’t really grabbing my attention. I’m originally from Georgia and lived in Atlanta for the better part of 4 1/2 years so I had some hometown loyalty to the Atlanta Falcons.

New England would have been fun, because there would have been the possibility of Tom Brady joining Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw as the only 4-time Super Bowl winners.

I don’t find either team Baltimore or San Francisco to be of the historically elite level, and neither has an offense or defense that would be considered among the all-time greats. The Harbaugh brother angle was interesting for about 6 seconds.

I like Ray Lewis and his enthusiasm, but that’s not enough stir that much excitement in the game for me. I guess Colin Kaepernick running read option is of mild interest, but will it change the face of the NFL? Maybe, but we won’t know for a few years.

It’s the Super Bowl, so I’ll be watching. Who’s going to win? I suppose I’m going with Baltimore, not only because of the Ray Lewis emotional factor, but also because Raven’s QB Joe Flacco is playing very efficiently right now.

Who will win the Super Bowl?

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