



I’m just not all that interested in Lance Armstrong or Manti Te’o…

I’m guessing the first thing you’re wondering is why am I talking about Lance Armstrong or Manti Te’o if I’m not that interested them. Well these are still significant news stories, that I do have opinion on, but I haven’t spent that much time following each new release of information.

I’m not going to be endlessly blog about it either. This most likely going to be my only post on the subject of Lance Armstrong and Manti Te’o.

It’s really pretty simply in both cases…. We put our sports heroes on a pedestal. They can do these amazing things, that the rest of us can only imagine doing. Then in just a matter moments it’s all gone.

They lie. They cheat, and they can sometimes do unbelievably stupid things.  We thought Lance Armstrong was medical miracle. My goodness he beat cancer and won the Tour de France 7 times. Manti Te’o over came the death of a girlfriend and his grandmother to becomes this year’s most celebrated college football defensive player. Was he duped? Did he lie too?

I’m inclined to believe he was mostly duped, but apparently he embellished parts of the stories. So there you go a liar, and a shockingly dumb football player. You would think I’d want to know why did Lance Armstrong lie for all those years? How could he go under oath and lie that he doped? How could Manti Te’o not realize that as a player at Notre Dame, you going to be scrutinized far more than most college football players? Notre Dame is the most high profile football program in the country.

In the end and I think this is why I’ve quickly lost interest in these stories. You can’t turn the clock. They won’t have new winners in the Tour de France and they won’t revote the Heisman. Lance Armstrong is taking away time from the real sport stories.

We’re talking abotu Manti Te’o when we should talking the NFL playoffs. I heard today the combination of the two stories being called the doper and the duped.  Just call me annoyed by it all… I’m ready to put these guys on the back pages of the sports news. They aren’t the first and they won’t be last guys to tarnish their sport and/or their reputations. ESPN just spent the first 30 minutes of Sportscenter talking about them.

Armstrong may never recover, Te’o still has time. Look me up when they do the 30/30 on these guys.

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