Ugh the day job took it me the last few days so I didn’t have much time to blog, but we have some Holidays coming up and some big games this weekend.
Two of the biggest are Clemson South Carolina and Florida State Florida. Now I reserved opinion on the SEC most of the year. People have called their teams overrated, and others have said some of the teams are NFL caliber.
I am waiting until the 2 best ACC teams face 2 of the better SEC teams, before I make judgement.
If Clemson and FSU loses I would consider major setbacks for the two teams trying join the nations elite. Both have waited all year for this opportunity. Here it is! Check out the previews from the ACCDN.
2 pings
Just how important are Clemson’s and Florida State’s games against their in-state rivals Saturday? » All Sports Discussion says:
November 23, 2012 at 1:13 pm (UTC -4)
[…] time to blog there are a couple of huge games Saturday for Clemson and Florida State. I posted the ACCDN’s preview the other day for them… , but here’s my thoughts on the game, not from a matchup standpoint, but from the perspective […]
Just how important are Clemson’s and Florida State’s games against their in-state rivals Saturday? | Sports Blog United says:
November 23, 2012 at 1:44 pm (UTC -4)
[…] time to blog there are a couple of huge games Saturday for Clemson and Florida State. I posted the ACCDN’s preview the other day for them… , but here’s my thoughts on the game, not from a matchup standpoint, but from the perspective […]