



ACC Announces Game Times and TV for Nov. 8-10


October 29, 2012

ACC Announces Game Times & TV for Nov. 8-10

GREENSBORO, NC – The Atlantic Coast Conference Monday announced ESPN has called for a 6-day option on the games of Nov.10. The game times and networks for all six games will be announced no later than by noon on Sunday, November    

Thursday, November 8

Florida State at Virginia Tech, ESPN, 7:30 p.m.  (previously announced)

Saturday, November 10

Notre Dame at Boston College, TBA (12 noon or 8 p.m.)                 

Maryland at Clemson, TBA                                                         

Georgia Tech at North Carolina, TBA                                                

Miami at Virginia, TBA                                                                        

Wake Forest at NC State, TBA                                                             

      All times are Eastern.

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