



Q&A with former Virginia Tech Cornerback, Davon Morgan

We are happy here at All Sports Discussion to have an interview with former Virginia Tech football player, Davon Morgan (you can follow him on Twitter at @Morgan_2Ready).  From 2007 to 2010, Davon played the rover for the Hokies (he won the starting position in his sophomore season).  In 2010, Davon was a second-team all-ACC performer as a defensive back.  Davon had an excellent senior campaign with five interceptions and 76 tackles (he was second on the team in both categories).

Here is Davon’s first career interception.

@HokieGuru:  Let’s get this interview going!!  So, what made you decide to become a Hokie?

@Morgan_2Ready: I decided to become a Hokie because it was close to home and the coaches were great people.  Not only were they great people, but I got the chance to play for a top notch program under coach Frank Beamer and a defense lead by Coach Foster.  Coach Gray taught me a lot in learning offenses to make great defense and Coach Cav stuck with me even after i got injured my senior year of high school and so I liked that because loyalty means a lot to me.

@HokieGuru:  Are you going down to Blacksburg this year for any football games?

@Morgan_2Ready: YEsssiirrrrr I plan on making my way down to support the young guys

@HokieGuru:  On a professional basis, what are you doing today?

@Morgan_2Ready: Right now I am working in Richmond doing Intensive In-Home counseling for Youth Development Counseling Agency (YDCA).  I am currently staying in shape waiting to get another shot.  Its very frustrating because the Jets didn’t give me the opportunity to show my talent due to coming out in the lockout year.

@HokieGuru: Tell us about some of your professional football experiences.

@Morgan_2Ready: I talk to my boy Roc Carmichael daily, also talk with a few others.

@HokieGuru:  Please tell our readers about some of your memorable experiences as a Virginia Tech football player.

@Morgan_2Ready: All of them were memorable just because I got the chance to be a Hokie…Running through that tunnel with thousands of people there screaming and jumping to Enter the Sandman just to watch you play is a feeling I will never forget.

@HokieGuru:  What is your fondest memory at Virginia Tech?

@Morgan_2Ready: My fondest memory was my Senior year, we went through a lot those first 2 games and to run through the ACC the way we did was crazy!! There were a lot of good teams but we just were better! I just wish we could have those first 2 games back and we would have been in the National Championship in 2010

@HokieGuru:  How much do you miss your time at Virginia Tech?

@Morgan_2Ready: I miss it a lot but that time has come and gone so I’m now waiting to see what the Lord has for me in my near future.

@HokieGuru:  What is your prognosis for the 2012 Virginia Tech football team?

@Morgan_2Ready: I have a good feeling about this years team.  I think they will go as far as Logan leads them.  The defense has plenty of talent and you know I can’t wait to see what “D-BLOCK gonna do!!

@HokieGuru:  During your time, Virginia Tech was the Atlantic Coast Conference’s leader in football. To what do you attribute that success?  Coaching longevity?  The top-notch strength and conditioning program?  Elite players?

@Morgan_2Ready: Its all of those things combined.  I mean when you have good coaches, talented players, and everybody has the lunch pail attitude it’s hard to stop!

@HokieGuru:  Have you given any thoughts to coaching football someday?

@Morgan_2Ready: Most definitely, I am still chasing my football dream while i work to pay bills but coaching is definitely in my near future!

@HokieGuru:  Any advice for the young men out there that read this about getting ready for college and beyond from your experiences as a football player?  Was there anything that you took from your away experience on the football team that could help you in other areas of life? We know that you’re working in the area of higher education – any advice you have for students (and these can be non-athletes, as well) as they get ready for college?  Davon, here’s your chance to generate some free-flow prose – be wordy – we love it.

@Morgan_2Ready:  To any young student-athlete or non student athlete I leave you with this; NEVER GIVE UP, and NEVER think that you CAN’T do something.  Giving up on your dreams is the worst thing you can possibly do!!!  Giving up is NOT BELIEVING IN GOD! YOU CAN’T SEE OXYGEN BUT YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN BREATHE! He told us the mind is a powerful thing and you can do anything though christ himself.  Trust in him, believe in him, and believe in yourself!  There are 3 types of people in this world and I learn this from Johnny Shelton (VT team Chap): there are people who are in a storm, people who are going into a storm, and last people who just got out of a storm!  Don’t believe in the hype of things because things are not always what they seem!  You may feel terrible right now like nothing will ever go your way, but BELIEVE ME when I say this:  God is Good and I am a witness.  The famous saying that many people hear all the time is, “ He may not come when you want him, but he is always on time.  Things will get better but you have to take it to the man upstairs.  he is our shepherd and the leader of our pastures.  A MAN CHOOSES HIS PATH, BUT GOD DIRECTS HIS STEPS!  have faith and believe in him and yourself; even through the good times ALWAYS PRAY.  The man upstairs will never give you more than you can handle.  Life is like football; do not fold under pressure.  With that being said I leave you all with this, DO NOT BE A QUITTER AND NEVER SETTLE FOR AVERAGE BECAUSE WHEN YOU QUIT THERE’S ALWAYS SOMEONE READY TO TAKE YOUR PLACE!!  THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME, BE BLESSED, AND GO HOKIES!!!

I could not have closed the interview better!!  We thank Davon Morgan for this time!!

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