



Q&A with former Virginia Tech Tailback, Josh Oglesby

We are happy here at All Sports Discussion to have an interview with former Virginia Tech football player, Josh Oglesby (he is on Twitter at @JOglesby2).  You can see his profile here at Hokie Sports.  From 2008 to 2011, Josh played fullback and tailback Hokies (Josh redshirted in 2007).  I still remember Josh’s big games vs. East Carolina and Duke this past year (his scoring won those games for us).  Let’s get this interview started!!

@HokieGuru:  So, what made you decide to become a Hokie?

@JOglesby2: The recruiting process was fun, offers were slowly coming in. Originally VT said they wouldn’t offer me until into my Senior season. I attended the 1-day camp and performed well enough that Coach Beamer offered me there on the spot. Coach Hite told me they were only taking two tailbacks that year so I committed not long after. Virginia Tech is known for their tradition of great Running Backs and playing for a perennial powerhouse is something that I could not pass up.

@HokieGuru:  Are you going down to Blacksburg this year for any football games?

@JOglesby2: If my schedule permits, I would love to see 66,000+ jumping to Enter Sandman and Coach Beamer leading the 2012 ACC Champions out of the tunnel.

@HokieGuru:  Congratulations on your graduation – what’s up next?

@JOglesby2: Thankyou! My Degree was the most important thing that I wanted to obtain during my career. As of now, I am a NFL free agent. Unfortunately Football doesn’t last forever, so in a few years I would like to be on a College Strength and Conditioning Staff.

@HokieGuru:  Who are some of the Hokies and NFL football players you still stay in contact with?

@JOglesby2: I talk with Darren, Ryan and Tyrod often. Those guys have always been there for me during my time a Tech. I am excited to see them play this coming up season.

@HokieGuru:  Please tell our readers about some of your memorable experiences as a Virginia Tech football player.

@JOglesby2: Wow, too many to name. The Dog Days of Summer, Coach Gentrys inspiring and relentless attitude, linemen missing 400s, Sergio Render throwing up during speed pack, the player that only made two 110’s, Winter Workouts, Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Beating Nebraska in Blacksburg, Beating Miami in Lane my Sophomore year, Nike Combat Uniforms, Someone hacking my twitter during numerous games my jr. year, meeting Mike Vick, breaking the RB pushjerk record that stood for 10+ years, then breaking it again, Multiple Orange Bowls, ACC Championships..i could go on for days

@HokieGuru:  What is your fondest memory at Virginia Tech?

@JOglesby2: Very difficult to name one, but I will go with the whole 2011-2012 season. We had a brand new QB, various coaching changes, and an injury bug like no other. That team overcame a lot of adversity and criticism. Not once did it deter our performance, not once did it divide us. We used it as motivation and had a great run. Playing in the Sugar Bowl against a historic program like Michigan was a perfect way to go out. There were many highlights to that game; Justin Myer stepping up Big, Me picking up 15 yards on a 3 and 8 while trailing 17-9 at the beginning of the 4th, Marcus Davis catching one in the back of the end zone for 2 to tie it up at 17. And who could forget Danny Coale getting robbed of his game winning catch. Ultimately we outplayed Michigan in every aspect of the game, that will be a game I will never forget.

@HokieGuru:  Might be too early to ask this question, but how much do you think you will miss your time at Virginia Tech?

@JOglesby2: There is no doubt in my mind that I will miss my time at Virginia Tech. I was a student athlete on one of the best teams in America. I lived a rock star life. Made tons of friends, met plenty of people, traveled to many places and had a great time. Sure there were its ups and downs, but that’s life. Blacksburg and Virginia Tech will forever have a place in my heart.

@HokieGuru:  What is your prognosis for the 2012 Virginia Tech football team?

@JOglesby2: I believe this football team will win the ACC Championship. Yes we lost a lot of experienced players, but that is just a part of the game that every team faces.
Most importantly, an experienced Mike O’Cain and an experienced LT3 will result in better productivity. Something about O’Cain and LT3 spending so much time going over film throughout the week, gives me confidence and reassurance about him calling the plays. To help with the load the Hokies are equipped with the most athletic group of WRs since 2007. Once a running back emerges from the stable, the offense will be on all cylinders.  I don’t see any problems with the defense. The D-Line is experienced with good depth at the End positions. The linebackers are hungry after missing spring ball and Kyle Fuller and Exum are ballhawks waiting to disrupt a passing game. This defense has the potential to fair as one of the best in the country. I am excited to see them get their payback on Clemson.  The schedule is different from previous years. If we survive the stretch at Clemson, at Miami then hosting Florida State not only will we get our 10 wins, but we could possibly run the table. Some may think I have my burnt orange and Chicago maroon glasses on, but I have faith in the players and this staff.

@HokieGuru:  During your time, Virginia Tech was the Atlantic Coast Conference leader in football.  To what do you attribute that success?  Coaching longevity?  The top-notch strength and conditioning program?  Elite players?

@JOglesby2: It was all of that. People ask me that and I tell them that all the time. At Virginia Tech we don’t have any “Prima Donnas” . If we do, that attitude is checked at the front door. We have players that buy into the system. A system of hard work on the field, in the weight room and in the classroom. It’s more of a pride and tradition thing. Once your apart of the program you know it is up to you to keep the Tradition going. As the sign reads that sits beside the Hokie Stone, “For those who have passed, for those to come.. Reach for Excellence”

@HokieGuru:  Any advice for the young men out there that read this about getting ready for college and beyond from your experiences as a football player?  Was there anything that you took from your away experience on the football team that could help you in other areas of life? We know that you’re working in the area of higher education – any advice you have for students (and these can be non-athletes, as well) as they get ready for college?  Josh, here’s your chance to generate some free-flow prose – be wordy – we love it.

@JOglesby2: College is a great place to grow and develop. You’re away from home, making your own decisions. It is your first step into becoming an adult. With that being said you are not an adult while you are in college, but its a perfect time to start acting like one. I’m not saying do not go out and party and explore downtown (which is wonderful by the way), but have fun while taking care of business. That’s what adults do. Work on becoming independent and responsible. This may take some time, do not get discouraged- Rome was not built in a day. One thing that college and football has helped me with is time management. Balancing a class schedule, football schedule and personal life for five years was not easy at first, but became easy as I grew. Oversleeping, being late or missing a meeting was always my biggest fear. Because of that, I have no problem arriving to my destination 10 minutes early.

It was an honor to interview Josh Oglesby. GO HOKIES!!

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