



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere May 14, 2012

Sleepy middle of May nothing much going on, nothing to see… yeah right! The story of Florida State’s interest in the Big 12 is dominanting the headlines.

Of course we have to check in with what Florida State blogger Tomahawknation thinks of the situation, especially after FSU president Eric Barron made several statements today that sure made it seem like he was in favor of staying in the ACC.  

The full comments can be found at ESPN. Oh Boy… This is changing by the minute.  I don’t even know what to comment, but the administration at FSU clearly has some things to work out between each other. That said the door is not shut in either direction for FSU going or staying. I would expect the ACC to take FSU concerns seriously and attempt to get things resolved. 

Boston College blogger BCInterupption has their own take on the expansion thinge. For pure entertaintment you should follow both @Tomahawknation and @BCinterruption discuss the potential for the Noles move. Twitter Gold!

How about we discuss some actual football. Clemson blog ShakintheSouthLand takes a look at the Pistol Formation in Clemson’s offense.

TarHeelFanBlog says they are not scared to play at Indiana in next years ACC\Big 10 challenge. It’s time the ACC took back this challenge!

ACCBlogger gives us a recruiting update for the NC State football team.

StreakingtheLawn reviews the Cavaliers series win over Georgia Tech, and think it gives them a shot at hosting a regional.

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