



Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere May 7, 2012

It’s back! Articles from around the ACC Blogosphere took a short break, but we’re back scouring the ACC Blogs for what’s going on out there. 

NC State is having quite the athletic year. They won their bowl, the basketball team went to the Sweet 16 and StateFansNation tells us about Wolfpack’s hot baseball team.  

How does the death of the BCS affect Clemson, asks ShakintheSouthland? This is a interesting article, but the arguments about completely hypothetical situations kind of confuse me. I agree that the 2007 Virginia Tech team would have been the only ACC team to qualify for a 4-team playoff over the last few years, but what does that have to do with the individual teams? 

If Clemson or any other ACC school was consistently going 11-1 or 12-1 and finishing outside the top 4 I’d understand, but that’s not happening, because no ACC team is winning that many games. It’s up to individual schools to win games. I didn’t see Kentucky blaming the SEC for playing in a mediocre basketball conference. They simply went out and won games. One team any ACC team simply needs to step up and win big.

KeepingItHeel keeps the UNC\Duke rivalry going year around with their piece “Playing for UNC helps your career, Playing for Duke kills your career”. Good Stuff…

What are the football storylines in the ACC Coastal Division and ACC Atlantic Division asks SouthernPigSkin?

Would you trade a national title in a lesser known sport for an ACC Title in Football or Basketball? Actually this is a good question… Streaking the Lawn a Virginia blog answers this question when asked “Would you trade an NCAA lacrosse title for an ACC football or basketball title?” I suppose I’d go with the ACC Title, because those still bring in much greater notoriety, but Hmm a national title in something is still pretty impressive.

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