



Great Moments in the ACC\SEC In-state Rivlaries.

Saturday marks one of the great weekends in college football. It’s rivalry weekend, and that means the great in-state rivalries. It’s also another opportunity for the ACC to take on the mighty SEC in some head to head to battles. The SEC is largely considered the premier football conference in the country.They have won the last 5 national titles, and judging by the way LSU is going you can probably make it 6 in a row.

That’s doesn’t mean there haven’t been some recent great moments for ACC teams in these rivalries, Georgia Tech-Georgia, Florida State-Florida, Clemson-South Carolina, even though the ACC team trails all-time in the first two. Depending on your point of view here are some video highlights in these games. At least I think they are highlights.

2008 – Georgia Tech 45 Georgia 42

2010 – Florida State 31 Florida 7

2008 – Clemson 31 South Carolina 14

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