So the ACC officially has invited the Pittsburgh Panthers and the Syracuse Orangemen to the conference. I like the additions of Pitt and Syracuse and I found this to be a necessary and forward thinking move commissioner John Swofford and the ACC.
Suprisingly as I chatted with other ACC fans on twitter the reaction was more mixed than I expected. Responses ranged from brilliant move to why the heck did the ACC invite them? So I want to get some feedback from the ACC fans out there. How do you feel about the move? Like it don’t like it? If you want put your opinions in the comments sections.
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Bay Roberson says:
September 20, 2011 at 10:13 am (UTC -4)
I love the move. I think Syracuse and Pitt fit the ACC profile well. Texas doesn’t make sense to me geographically or from a balance of power standpoint. If the ACC can add UConn and Rutgers, I think North/South divisions become natural – Miami, FSU, GT, Clemson, Wake, UNC,NC State, and Duke in the south and Virginia Tech, Virginia, Maryland, BC, UConn, Syracuse, Pitt, and Rutgers in the north.
In their first season in the ACC, Pittsburgh and Syracuse have been welcome additions to the conference. » All Sports Discussion says:
January 17, 2014 at 8:49 pm (UTC -4)
[…] join the ACC, there were mixed reactions by fans of other schools. I was always behind additions. I blogged on this in 2011, but as I said there were mixed […]
In their first season in the ACC, Pittsburgh and Syracuse have been welcome additions to the conference. | Sports Blog United says:
January 17, 2014 at 9:44 pm (UTC -4)
[…] join the ACC, there were mixed reactions by fans of other schools. I was always behind additions. I blogged on this in 2011, but as I said there were mixed […]