



Michigan and Notre Dame – reliving a great finish.

Conference realignment, expansions, NCAA violations, agents, rules, courtrooms, greed, playoffs, computers… Sometimes it’s all we talk about when it comes to college football. Then we are reminded just how much we enjoy this great game of college football. The final minutes of the Michigan Notre Dame game were among the most exciting I’ve ever seen in any game pro, college of any other level, 3 touchdowns in under 2 minutes, unbelievable.

I have to give it up to the Michigan fans that stayed well after the game was over. I work with  a Michigan alum that called a friend in attendance just to hear the crowd. I probably would have done the same. Here’s hoping that with some with some of the monster games this week featuring ACC teams, that there will be some victourious  scenes like that at an ACC stadium this weekend.

For now just enjoy highlights of what was an instant classic in Ann Arbor.

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