



What does new Big12 TV deal mean for ACC? Not much…

The Big 12 announced the completion of their new media rights deal Sunday.

and apparently, it includes tier 3 rights.

If you’re the ACC, what does this mean? Good, bad, indifferent?

Frankly, it should be met with a collective… meh from the ACC.

The amount of people confusing this deal with the ACC’s deal is predictable.

Per the esteemed David Teel at Richmond.com…https://richmond.com/sports/college/teel-with-notre-dame-as-full-member-in-2020-21-acc-revenue-increased-16-4/article_85830697-0ca3-5e7b-8178-dc47a10dbfaf.html

The ACC’s TV distribution is separated out, and it’s in the neighborhood of $25-$27 Million per school, and increasing each year, then you add the additional COMCAST money coming which some estimate as much as another $6 Million.

The ACC and Big 12 are very close in deals at the moment. It certainly isn’t the $11 Million difference some falsely reported.

This doesn’t change anything for the ACC. The Big 12 isn’t the target for the conference and in this landscape being 3rd by less than 10 Million among the power 5 is pretty irrelevant.

This deal isn’t bad for the Big 12. It creates stability for them for the next 6 years and gets their deal done before the Pac 12. The Pac 12 now has a market figure to compare or now doesn’t appear as valuable because ESPN and FOX now have secured additional content. We will see which it is. It affects them far more than the ACC.

Considering where the Big 12 was last summer, it’s a nice recovery for them.

The ACC’s objective remains the same. They have to increase revenue… period.

Sunday’s announcement is neither good nor bad news for the ACC.

I would say it does add pressure on Jim Philips to start revealing what’s in the works to increase revenue for the ACC.

When other conferences make announcements, while the ACC doesn’t it does give the appearance of inactivity.

The ACC can’t have that in this current climate.

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