



The ACC Grant of Rights broken down via @aadelsonESPN

There are a lot of twitter lawyers out that think they know how the GOR works, but a thread from the highly respected @aadelsonESPN  breaks it down for us.

As we’ve said on the blog several times, the ACC’s GOR will make it very difficult for any ACC program to leave in the relative short term. I consider a relative short term at least 5 years. That said and we’ve said this several times. ACC Commissioner Jim Philips has time as opposed to his B12 and Pac12 counterparts to come up with a revenue solution, but it’s not unlimited time.

As my blog partner @Hokiesmash_ASD wrote, he’s on the clock.

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2 pings

  1. ClemTig86 says:

    Time is up.

    1. Jfann says:

      Could be – but I don’t think so. I would be highly surprised if anyone can leave in the next 5 years.

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