



The ACC Network’s 2020 Notre Dame Football Documentary falls flat with ACC fans.

When the ACC Network announces a new documentary, it can be something to look forward to for  ACC fans.

When the ACC Network announced this Notre Dame Documentary, it was met with a collective groan these same fans.

This tweet says it all.

Notre Dame was a member of the ACC in football in 2020. They aren’t now. Would the SEC Network have a documentary about Bobby Dodd because he coached Georgia Tech when they were a SEC member? I think we know the answer is no of course.

So many opportunities for ACC Documentaries that were missed.

To be fair, I think there is a 30 for 30 on Miami’s early 2000s, but the others are great choices.

I would have liked to have seen a documentary of the 2020 football season – dealing with COVID, which would have included Notre Dame without focusing on them. How about Georgia Tech’s first ACC Championship in basketball since 1993 this year?

Other Documentaries I’d like to see on the ACC Network.

NC State’s Jim Valvano 1983 National Championship Basketball Season

Georgia Tech’s 1990 National Championship Football Season

Michael Vick at Virginia Tech

The Syracuse Final 4 run of 2016 as 10 seed

I have a bunch more. There are too many to list that would have been better and more relevant than the Notre Dame football season in the ACC.

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1 ping

  1. TerryD says:

    ND fan here. I didn’t watch it.

    I am grateful to the ACC for 2020 but happy for ND to go back to independent status.

    No need to look back on a one year anomaly. No interest here either.

    Looking ahead, not behind.

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