



Appreciating the career of Roy Williams

Thursday legendary coach Roy Williams retired. It is hard to have imagine that a coach that won over 900 games, with 3 National Titles, and went to 9 Final Fours would be under-appreciated, but I think he was. When you coach at places like Kansas and UNC you’re expected to win big, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

When Roy Williams took over at UNC in 2003, the Tar Heel program was in shambles following the tenure Matt Doherty. In Doherty’s final 2 years, the Tar Heels lost a whopping 36 times.

It only took Williams two years to win a National Title and restore the Tar Heels to their place atop college basketball.

Some of the the highest praise I can give Roy Williams is something I tweeted a couple of days when we saw Gonzaga pound USC into the ground.

When Roy Williams had a Raymond Felton or Ty Lawson running the point, UNC was as fun a college basketball team to watch as there was.

The way they got up and down the floor in what seemed like a split second was transition college basketball at it’s finest.

Here is sampling of the ACC appreciating to Roy Williams.

Enjoy retirement Coach Roy, College Basketball will miss you!

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