



Ranking the Power 5 Football Conferences after Week 5 with Playoff Analysis

While the playoff committee doesn’t rank the power 5 conference, there is no way conference strength – which means OOC results doesn’t figure in to a committee members thought process.

Let me point out on my philosophy on these rankings – your most recent  OOC results count a lot, and you’ll see me reference that throughout the season.

We’ll give each conference a relative strength value 1-10.

Let me explain my relative rankings

0-5 : Conference lacks depth no elite teams

6-7: Conference lacks depth, and there are 1-2 elite teams, and 1-2 quality teams

7-8: At least 2 elite teams, and at least 2 quality teams.

8-9: 3 elite teams, and at least 2 quality teams

9-10: 1/2 of conference is elite and/or quality teams.

1) SEC – 8.2

It’s going to be a wild next two months as the SEC’s 4 best teams jockey to get into the playoffs.

Florida is still in the picture, and if they beat Auburn you have to seriously consider them. I don’t think they are beating the Tigers though.

Week 5 Key Games

Auburn at Florida

Playoff Contenders 

LSU, Alabama, Georgia, Auburn

In the Playoff Picture


2) Big 10 – 8.0

After Penn State smashed Maryland 59-0 I’m moving them up. The Big 10 has a round-robin scenario of playoffs that could very much be like the SEC’s.

Iowa could enter the picture if they win at Michigan this week. Michigan State at Ohio State could be a test for the Buckeyes.

Playoff Contenders

Ohio State, Wisconsin, Penn State

In the Playoff Picture


Week 5 Key Games

Iowa at Michigan

Michigan State at Ohio State

3) Big 12 – 7.5

No changes in the Big 12, and nothing of interest on tap this weekend.

Week 5 Key Games


Playoff Contenders  


In the Playoff Picture


4) ACC – 6.8

Virginia couldn’t win at Notre Dame, but played respectably. Wake Forest at 5-0 gives the ACC a third top 25 team. Clemson nearly lost at UNC which would have dropped the ACC who we are keeping by an eyelash ahead of the Pac 12.

No games of consequence this week.

Week 5 Key Games


Playoff Contenders


In the Playoff Picture


5) Pac 12 – 6.7

Arizona State beating California eliminated the Pac 12’s last team that can play their way into the playoffs. The Pac 12 has 4 or 5 top 40 teams, but not a single top 10 one.

Oregon if they win out, may have a shot especially if Auburn ends up as SEC champion.

Week 4 Key Games

California at Oregon

Playoff Contenders


In the Playoff Picture


The Rest 

Notre Dame took care of a ranked Virginia team which gets them into the top 10. They need to Georgia to win the SEC, and they need to win out to have a chance. There are still too many teams between Notre Dame and the top 4 though.

Playoff Contenders 


In the Playoff Picture


My Current Playoff Teams

As my personal criticism of the playoff committee, I don’t think the top 4 seeds order should be released until the final rankings. The playoff committee’s inconsistent and ever changing criteria is causing unnecessary frustration and confusion. It’s one of the improvement points I’d have for them.

If I had a vote this is who I would put in the playoff right now.

In –  Ohio State | Auburn  | Clemson | Georgia 

Just Missed – 5) Alabama 6) LSU  7) Oklahoma 8 ) Wisconsin 

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