



Podcast – @HokieSmash and @TalkinACCSports talk Notre Dame sports and ACC Basketball with @SlapTheSign


@Hokiesmash and I (@TalkinACCSports) have another good podcast for you as we start concentrating on basketball now. We have @SlaptheSign (Andrew Hall) of the Notre Dame Blog Site slapthesign.com joining us to review to talk ACC Basketball, and give us his thoughts on Notre Dame sports. We appreciate @SlaptheSign taking the time to join us on the podcast. He is our first Notre Dame blogger  on the podcast, and we hope to have him back in the future.

Just a warning to everyone… We got into a discussion of the Duke\Louisville game, and none of us had Duke winning. We mis-fired on that one!

To download the audio file of this podcast, please go here.

You can also find this most recent podcast and all our other podcasts on ITUNES at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rwradios-acc-weekly-podcast/id831843856?t=2.

In addition you can subscribe to the Podcast on ITUNES to get the quickest updates!

In this order, these are topics we covered on the podcast. It’s episode 76 on the dropdown list.

@SlaptheSign  tells us about himself and what he does at slapthesign.com

Thoughts on ACC Basketball season so far and which team has impressed your so far.

A discussion of Notre Dame basketball.

A look at Notre Dame’s past football season

Notre Dame’s football roster for 2015 

Other Springs Sports at Notre Dame (Baseball, women’s basketball, lacrosse) 

Any scenario where Notre Dame might one day join the ACC in football, and thoughts on the 5 game scheduling agreement with the ACC.

Places to eat in South Bend.

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