



Clay Travis is Absolutely Schooled by the Professor, Richard Deitsch


Good evening, college football fans. I normally never post about other Twitter conversations (especially for those individuals I do not follow on Twitter).  Additionally, one of my professors at Virginia Tech (RIP Professor Emeritus of Public Administration, John Rohr)  once made a very insightful comment about his research. Specifically, he stated that when “they mention me, I am relevant.” He further stated that he does not care if they agree nor disagree when they mention him – he is relevant because his name is referenced.

Which gets us to this Twitter conversation between Clay Travis and Richard Deitsch, but first, let’s give you some background information about both of these individuals.

Clay Travis has a large following with several southeastern college football fans (I’m not one of them, though).  He’s written for AOL Fanhouse, Deadspin, his own Outkick the Coverage site, and other sites.  Travis also hosts a  daily three-hour college football radio show in Tennessee.  Awful Announcing references a Big Lead Report in that Travis will be part of Fox’s new College Football Coverage.  He’ll be working with Erin Andrews and Eddie George.  Here’s what Travis said about Erin Andrews.  Woof.

Richard Deitsch is Sports Illustrated’s media reporter – he holds the media accountable – and reports on its major developments (like the return of Keith Olbermann to ESPN).  He is a writer/reporter for Sports Illustrated, an adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of Journalism, and former Knight-Wallace Fellow, a fellowship program for mid-career U.S. journalists at the University of Michigan.  The guy has some serious credentials.  He also happens to report on the WNBA (who has some terrific athletes).

In short, Deitsch probably has more knowledge in his fingernail than Clay Travis could ever dream of possessing in his entire life.

I do not follow Clay Travis on Twitter, however, I do follow Richard Deitsch – and I don’t think that Travis is relevant (so I’m violating this rule of mine through my professor by mentioning Travis) – but I recently caught this exchange below (Travis takes a bunch of pot shots at Deitsch for writing about female sports – which is BS because they work just as hard as males – it’s like fourth grade stuff) – and you’ll see how the pupil (Travis) is tutored by the professor (Deitsch):





And this is how the professor tutors the pupil – Clay Travis was institutionalized by Richard Deitsch.

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